Tuesday, August 29, 2006

well i can safely say ive added another person to the list of people who want to kill me
seriously though, gym was so bad this morning.
we got there and whalley wasnt there so obviously this was a cause for celebration since she has become the new laura (with tegan taking over the role of the new whalley), and bullies us all to tears almost every tuesday and friday morning
anyway when i arrived she wasnt there so i was quietly rejoycing to myself when i looked up and saw her walking towards me beff han and mel with a look on her face that clearly read:
i'm going to get you jacki trew. you and your friends. and then you'll be sorry you didnt work hard in gym when i told you to. oh yes, very sorry. very sorry indeed (insert evil laugh)
as if that didnt freak me out enough, she then proceeded to following us level threes around and forcing us to do many heinous things like 30 leg lifts on the wall bars and 20 casts IN A ROW (which no human being can do without rendering themselves infertile), and then doing multiple tuck jumps and handstands and peggy half turns on the beam until we were just about ready to kill ourselves, but we neednt have bothered since she would probably do that for us anyway

then as we were leaving (actually, it was more like escaping) she turned to bethy and i and said
are you two coming to the competition?
and we were like umm, i dont think so, since bethy didnt want to and im pretty sure i have to babysit that night
and shes like
well thats a crap excuse and if you dont come im going to...well, im not sure what ill do
and we were like kill us? and shes like
no. i dont want you to be dead. i want you to be almost dead. but just alive enough to do your routines.
and i am not even kidding.
what the hell? what kind of a person says that??
ill tell you who
the kind of person who is going to maul you as soon as they can

if they can get to you before ivan milat
which really, considering its me, wont be that easy

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