Tuesday, March 11, 2008

we have a winner


7am: wake up to the phone ringing: normally a totally heinous occurance except that a) its my daddy singing happy birthday and b) my ringtone is 'thriller'

8am: recieve phone call from my boss and her 6-year-old twins singing happy birthday, and then asking if id like the day off seeings as its my birthday. dies with happiness

830am: wide awake and unable to do anything about it, decide to totally indulge self for next few hours. Have pink bubble bath, followed by a marathon of favourite movies: dirty dancing and moulin rouge (which is even more enjoyable than usual, seeings as nobody is home to yell at me for talking along with the entire movie)

1130am: visit from jordan. Recieve 4-pack of Red Bull and peanut mnms, and then laugh for next 20 minutes about how everyone is trying to kill me with peanuts

12noon: recieve collosal bunch of flowers from relatives.

1230pm: chate arrives home. chate ignores me

130pm: julia arrives with food for a picnic where we invent the oh-so-classy act of drinking Red Bull out of my mums crystal champagne glasses

430pm: recieve chocolate bouquet from chate. yay!

530pm: recieve possibly best gift ever from Hirst family: Harpers Bazaar (with free tshirt woo!), chocolate, photo of me julia and krob, bottle of champagne and wait for it, BONES ON DVD. present so good that if birthday was totally sucking. this would save it

531pm: watch bones

630pm: convince mum to let me make cosmopolitan cocktails

635pm: decide to never make own cocktails again

7pm: home and away/cake (always a good combination)

And then I finished off the day with a nice little Bones/Prison Break/The Simple Life/Me-eating-copious-amounts-of-chocolate-and-drinking-enough-redbull-to-put-a-regular-person-in-hospital-so-i-guess-its-lucky-i-built-up-that-immunity-thing marathon.

Ill say it again.

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