Tuesday, March 11, 2008

dear tooth fairy

Yes, these were all written by me, between ages 5 and 9. My parents thought it would be funny to unearth them for my birthday. And yes, I did make all those spelling mistakes. Classic.

Dear Thooth Firay,
I've lost a tooth. And guss what? I thout that I swolled it.
That was the funny bit.
If you can't find it, it is on my desk. The story is on the back
of this card. And a butiful picher.
From Jacki.
P.S I got the tooth cup for my birthday.
The Story: I was finishing my dinner. And my sister Catherine
was being very noisy then I ate the last bit of my dinner and it
just fell into my bowl.
From Jacki

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I'm sorry this is a bit messy but I was in a hurry for bedtime.
Anyway my tooth fell out so I put it in a glass of water for you.
From Jacki

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I lost a tooth and I did it while I was watching TV.
I was very pleased.
From Jacki

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I am sorry that this is a bit rushed but I had to go to bed.
Did you see The Nanny tonight? It was funny.
Good luck for getting here.
From Jacki
P.S I live in Australia

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I have lost a tooth. I shoed my daddy and he was proud
of me. I kept on licking it. At dinner time I dindted feel well.
So I lickit it and fellat better.
This is for you so I hope you like it. I know that I have riten
alot, so now I think I should stop.
I hope I like my present.
From Jacki

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I lost my tooth today but it fell down the sink. Mum thinks
that yoo will be able to find it, will yoo? If yoo can thanks and
if yoo cant then, ummm..
Oh well, I suppose its gone.
From Jacki


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I laughed so hard at those like I thought i was not going to breathe and someone would have to resussitate me

xx Mumsie

Anonymous said...

you kept licking your tooth?!?!