Monday, September 24, 2007

remember how i used to whinge and moan and bitch and complain 24/7 about my bed? and with reason!
i mean. this thing was so narrow, i dont think you could even call it a single. it was more like a half-single. somewhere between a regular single and one of those bassinets that people carry babies around in. and thats not all. it was old. and not just old. oh no. this is the bed ive had SINCE I GOT OUT OF A COT. its old old. and one of the most annoying things about old old beds is that they squeak. and this one was so exception.
and i didnt just find the fact that every time i so much as wiggled my toes in the night, the whole bed would shudder and shake and creak and groan so loudly i literally thought it was about to explode from underneath me annoying. actually, this wasnt so bad at all, compared to the fact that everytime the bed made a noise, my cat (who has a fond habbit of sleeping on my head) would COMPLETELY FREAK OUT and latch onto my face.
this is not pleasant.
the point is, i didnt think there was any feeling more painful than having the promise of a new double bed (from my mum), but having to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait for it, enduring this hideous ancient old old bed in the meantime.
well i was wrong. there is a worse feeling.
because i got my double bed. thats right. the hideous ancient old old bed is gone.
but oh, hoo haa, whats this? the new bed didnt come with a mattress? mum and dad are too busy to get one until next weekend? the old bed has already been thrown away? nobody cares about the condition of jacki's spinal cord?
this. is SO UNFAIR.
because now all i have is the frame of my beautiful beautiful double bed. no mattress. in fact, as im typing this, im sitting on the bare wooden slats of the bed, hoping that one of my parents will come up and see me, think how pathetic i look, and take pity on me.
probably not though. i mean, it is kind of funny.

ps 2 days left of school

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How on earth will your room fit a double bed? Singles are good - they are cosy. I have had mine since I was out of my cot but mine doesn't squeak! Haha.
Enjoy Stuvac!!