Tuesday, September 11, 2007

procrastination and pineapple

(does this apply to anyone else, or am i the only one going COMPLETELY INSANE??))

with like 10 days left of school, and absolutely no room left in my brain to possibly even attempt to retain any more information, i've pretty much given up.

and ive gotta tell you, it feels phenomenal.

so miss mitchell asked us to do some practice essay for homework. homework? homework? no miss mitchell, no. i love you and all, but my head will literally implode. or explode. whichever is more dramatic. whichever would enable me to apply for 5 extra UAI points.

so, essay question thrown to the side, ive just spent the last 45 minutes trying to make an origami swan (yes, yet another attempt to associate myself with Prison Break/Wentworth Miller). Anyway, 45 minutes of complete concentration gave me this:

sigh. *hates origami swans*
ouch. have you ever noticed that the aftermath of eating pineapple kind of feels like you've rubbed the inside of your mouth out with sandpaper and then gargled sulfuric acid? im literally dying here. what is it about pineapple, that its so incredibly painful to eat, and yet everytime im about to eat it, i forget about how excruciating it was the last time i tried to eat it. AND theres the whole once-you-start-you-cant-stop factor.
its like the fruitbowls way of kicking me in the crotch. seriously.
i tried to be healthy by having pineapple, i really did.
whatever. the next time i try to eat pineapple, remind me that it would probably be less painful to rip out my own tongue than to do so.


Anonymous said...

question: how does being kicked in the crotch for a girl compare with being kicked in the crotch for a guy? i mean the pain isn't exactly comprehendable, so i couldn't really answer my own question, buy anyhoo...wats the deal? :)

Jacki Trew... said...

whatever, girls have to give birth
we ALWAYS win