Sunday, February 06, 2005





this is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so very very very exciting right now

ok listen closely boys and girls, because today a miracle has occured.

as in they are going to give me a job!!!!


ok ok ok ok wait wait wait a second there, ok so they havent exactly hired me yet, but, im just going to type out the phone conversation right here

Jacki: Yo

Caroline: Hello, is this jacki?

Jacki: Yes, who is this?

Caroline: This is Caroline from Bakers Delight. I have your job application in front of me, Jacki

Jacki: (doing an excited dance around my room)

Caroline:Now I was wondering if you'd like to come in for a trial shift

Jacki: Yes!!! HIRE ME!!!!

Caroline: Haha...well seeing as you are so eager, how about you come in tomorrow? Around four?

Jacki: Ok...we're talking about bakers delight at the forum right?

Caroline: Yes...

Jacki: Oh kewl, because i tried to get a job at the bakers at lane cove, and they were all like 'uhhhh no' because i couldnt get there by four o clock, and i was all like 'hey, but' and they were all like 'sorry, no can do' and i was all like -

Caroline: Why dont you just come by at four. I wont actually be there because im pregnant

Jacki: (thinking - uh, i didnt ask for your life story lady, i just want you to give me lots of money so i can get a new phone, ok?) Right...

Caroline: So when you go there just ask for Susan, and she'll give you all the instructions.

Jacki: (desperately hoping 'Susan' isnt that chick who gave me the application in the first place because im pretty sure she hates me on account of the fact that every time i go there she sees me making faces at the Peach and Pumpkin Scrolls.) Ok, that sounds good. Do I need to know anything else?

Caroline: Yes, well, make sure that you arent wearing any jewellery or make-up, and bring some sneakers and white socks, and Mike and Susan will give me a full report blah blah blah

Jacki: Yeah, ok well ill be there at four o clock

Lady: Ok bye

Jacki: Bye

it was so exciting and after i hung up i did a victory lap of my bedroom
and it was good

bloggin off

1 comment:

Jacki Trew... said...

ok ok ok ok ok ok