Sunday, November 29, 2009


Has there been a housefire or something on the news recently? My Dad is freaking out. Literally, freaking out. It's the funniest thing. He has this weird habit of starting conversations with other people in his head, and then finishing them out loud. So if you are sitting next to him and he starts talking to you, you'll probably only hear the last half of the sentence. Did I say 'funny'? What I really meant was 'extremely annoying'. This is his way of asking me what I would do if our house was on fire:

Dad: Do you have an evacuation plan?

Jacki: What?
Dad: Do you have an evacuation plan?
Jacki: Again, what?
Dad: What would you do if there was a fire upstairs?
Jacki: Oh, um...I'd come downstairs.
Dad: What if there was a fire in the stairwell?
Jacki: I'd jump off the balcony.
Dad: What if there was a fire on the balcony?
Jacki: I'd climb out my bedroom window.
Dad: What if there was a fire in your bedroom?
Jacki: Well, I'd probably be dead.
Dad: Are you taking this seriously?
Jacki: Are you taking this seriously?!

Haha. Weirdo!
Although he probably has a point. The only fire evacuation plan I know is the one we used in high school. Here's to hoping there are no fires at my house, because unless I see my tutor group and Mrs Cridland holding a clipboard, I'm totally lost.

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