Sunday, May 13, 2007

one-legged pajama pant

ok so basically i woke up this morning and thought to myself, what the hell, why is one of my legs cold and the other not cold?
and so i took a chance and looked down, and low and behold, one of my pajama pant legs is gone.
like actually gone.
accio'd by harry potter.
i have no idea.
and since i was pretty sure i had 2 pajamas legs when i went to bed last night, i decided to investigate.
so after about 6 minutes of exploring my bed, i not only found the missing pajama leg, but also 3 pins, half a packet of strawberry bubblegum, a yellow pencil, my ipod sock, and something which looked supiciously like the bottom of a stiletto heel.
what the
anyway where was i?
oh yes. so anyway, eventually i came to the conclusion that i am such an intensely rough sleeper that the small-ish rip that i had in my pajama pants must have ripped so much during the night because of my tossing and turning that the entire leg got torn off.
either that, or i was mauled by a she-bear in the middle of the night.
which, knowing my luck, is probably actually what went down


Anonymous said...

I love jacki.

Also, my friend once made a story about a pantleg. it was called 'wilbur the pantleg' it was an interesting story... about wilbur the pantleg trying to find where he belonged. he was sent to the one pantleg store.....which...was in fact...

*big moment*

A skirt shop.


Anonymous said...

je je je....jimi gets around....hmmmm....pyjama legs is a good place to start.....or end......oh...back to the woods......I go....didnt even get to keep it......darn....panting as I go...stunned...or actually ripped I suppose....